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Reference: F2E447
Pistole 640(b) Belgian GP35 Light brown holster 1943, JKH maker.
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(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
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Grained tan leather holster for Belgian pistol GP35 (more commonly known as Hight Power), beautiful manufacturer marking JKH for Karl Busse, Ausruestungsgegenstaende, Mainz and well dated 1943. Superb general condition, very supple leather. Worn holster with the weapon form.
As the Germans occupied Belgium they soon took over the famous FN arms factories to produce weapons for the Wehrmacht. The FN GP35 or the Hi Power was a very well made 9mm pistol with a “double stack” magazine that nearly had the double capacity of the standard German pistols. 319.000 Where produced during the war and it was a accurate and much loved pistol within the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS.
Reference: A2E1262
Reference: A2E1258
Pistole 640(b) Belgian GP35 Light brown holster 1943, JKH maker.