5th ARMY Patch.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Original WWII shoulder insignia of the 5th US Army.
One of the most controversial incidents in the history of the Fifth Army occurred during the Liberation of Rome. The strategic design of General Sir Harold Alexander, commanding the Allied Armies in Italy, envisaged that the forces of the VI Corps, leaving Anzio, would capture the retreating German forces, and would be neutralized by the Fifth and Eighth Armies. However, in violation of orders, Clark diverted VI Corps units to Rome, leaving a small contingent to blockade the Germans. This was not done and German forces managed to escape and re-establish a coherent line north of Rome. Clark claims there were significant German threats that required the diversion, but many believe he was primarily seeking glory by being the first to liberate Rome. Mark Wayne Clark believes that this plot was intended to glorify Alexander.
Reference: USP288
Reference: F2E439
Reference: SE022
5th ARMY Patch.