10th Mountain division cut edge patch.
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Genuine WWII 10th Mountain Division shoulder insignia.
The 10th Mountain Division was first activated on July 15, 1943 at Camp Hale, Colorado1. It was then named 10th Light Division (Alpine). On November 6, 1944, it was renamed the 10th Mountain Division. A section of the 10th Mountain Division securing a road (Italy, 1945) The 10th Mountain Division was engaged for the first time on January 28, 1945 during the Italian campaign, in the Apennines2 chain. It was the first unit to sustainably conquer Mount Belvedere held by the Wehrmacht3, and then served as a vanguard unit for the benefit of the 5th American Army during its advance into the Po plain4. In 114 days of fighting, the 10th Mountain Division is credited with the destruction of 5 elite Wehrmacht divisions. It lost 992 men and had 4154 wounded. The division's Soldiers received a total of one Medal of Honor, three Distinguished Service Crosses, one Distinguished Service Medal, 449 Silver Stars, seven Legion of Merit, 15 Soldier's Medals, and 7,729 Bronze Star Medals. As it was one of the last units to see action, it was included on the list of those to participate in the invasion of Japan. The Japanese capitulation changed the plans of the general staff, which assigned it the role of occupation force in Italy. She did not stay there long, she was returned to Camp Carson (Colorado) in August 1945, where she was dismantled on November 30, 1945.
Reference: U1E361
Reference: F1E275
Reference: USP279
10th Mountain division cut edge patch.