35th Infantry Division cut edge Patch.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
35th Infantry Division cut edge Patch. original, WW2.
The 35th Division was reactivated on December 23, 1940, left for Europe on May 12, 1944, arrived in England on the 25th and landed in France, at Omaha Beach from July 5 to 7, 1944.
From July 11, 1944, she fought, north of Saint-Lô, in the Battle of the Haies. It pushes back 12 German counter-attacks then enters Saint Lô on July 18, then takes part on August 2 in the offensive which pushes back the German forces, out of the Cotentin, on the Vire.
From August 7 to 13, she was responsible for protecting the Mortain-Avranches road and helping to rescue the 30th Division, which had been badly mistreated during Operation Lüttich.
It then crosses France via Orléans and Sens enters Moselle on September 13, liberates Nancy on September 15 and secures its positions at Chambrey on October 1, 1944. It then progresses to the German border and occupies Sarreguemines on December 8, establishes, on December 12, a bridgehead on the Blies, it is put to rest on December 19 in Metz.
The 35th Division was moved to Arlon, then engaged in the Battle of the Ardennes from December 25, 1944, rejecting the attacks of 4 German divisions, then resuming on January 10, 1945, after 13 days of fighting, Villers-la-Bonne -Water then Lutrebois.
On January 18, 1945, it returned to Metz, before establishing itself, on February 22, in defense along the Roer. On February 23, it attacked and pierced the Siegfried Line and reached, on March 10, the Rhine at Wesel, which was crossed on March 25. The 35th Division fails to pass the Herne Canal but reaches the Ruhr River in early April.
On April 12 the division moved towards the Elbe, covering nearly 500 km in 2 days. On April 26 it was in the region of Colbitz and Angern before occupying Hanover on May 8, 1945.
On September 5, 1945, the 35th Division embarked at Southampton and arrived in New York on September 10.
Reference: U2U155
Reference: A2E1260
Reference: USP201
Reference: F2E307
Reference: U2E561
35th Infantry Division cut edge Patch.