88th Infantry Division Patch.
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
It appeared on August 5, 1917 in Iowa but was sent too late (in September 1918) to France to participate in the First World War and was demobilized in 1919. It was recreated in 1942, on the occasion of the Second World War and had the distinction of being the first American division entirely composed of conscripts, after it had been reestablished in 1940. It was also one of the first conscript divisions to be sent into combat since it landed in North Africa at the end of 1943, where it continued its training. At the beginning of 1944, it was transferred to Italy where it experienced its first combats, participating in the fight against the Gustave Line, the powerful German defensive position on the Italian peninsula. It advanced to Anzio at the end of May and some of its elements were among the first American forces to enter Rome, on June 4, 1944. After a period of rest, it was again engaged in September 1944 against the Gothic Line, often being forced to adopt a defensive posture. On the other hand, in April 1945, it took part in the spring offensive, crossing the Po on April 24, while the cities of Verona and Vincenza were taken on April 25 and 28. It then advanced towards Innsbruck in Austria, where it joined up on May 2, with elements of the 103rd Infantry Division coming from the north. After the war, it incorporated some elements of the 34th Infantry Division and participated in the occupation of northern Italy, along the Morgan Line near Trieste, until the signing of the peace treaty between the Allies and Italy in 1947.
Reference: IND019
Reference: F2E463
88th Infantry Division Patch.